Ground Zero Mosque - STRAWMAN

Today as I was fiddling around fixing things in the garage, it suddenly struck me...

"Why is the left suddenly all excited and supportive of the "right to exercise your religious faith"?

"Why are people who regularly attacking people of faith suddenly supporting the right of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to practice his faith wherever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants?"

I know that they don't really support the right to exercise your faith. Examples abound where they attack people of Christian or Jewish faith for practicing their religion in public. Their hatred for Jews and Christians is well established.

And I know that religious faith can be exercised, but not without limits. You cannot build anything, anywhere and simply avoid restrictions by claiming that such restrictions violate your freedom of religion.

I think back to when I was a member of a church that was attempting to expand its sanctuary and the local government would not allow it. It was not a question of "freedom of religion" but rather the local neighbors complained about the plan. They did not like the style of the building, the height, the number of people it would draw in.

Then it occurred to me. "The pastor should have started screaming "1st amendment!!!" The fact that he was subject to the community approving his design was irrelevant if he simply screamed "1st amendment!!!" every time someone challenged his right to do what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted. After all...who is against the 1st amendment?

This is the strawman.

They claim its about freedom of religion but its not.

Its about the people of the community deciding who and what they want in that location. If the community does not want a Rauf, or a mosque in that location, then the people should speak out.

Rauf was recorded blaming the United States for the murder of Islamic people. "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaida has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims,"

If the people of New York do not want this guy to build in their town, they have the right to speak out against him. And the government of that town has the right to listen to their people and refuse him.

This is not about 1st amendment rights. Its about the right of a community to decide whether or not they want a hate-monger to build his building in their town.

The strawman argument is exposed.

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